API (Application Programming Interface)

An interface that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. The Imagior API provides endpoints for generating, editing, and managing images programmatically.


A unique key used to authenticate requests to the Imagior API. This key is required in the Authorization header of every API request to validate the user’s access.

API Request

A call made to the Imagior API to perform an action, such as generating an image or retrieving account information. Each request must be properly formatted and authenticated with an API key.

Authorization Header

A part of the HTTP request that includes credentials for authentication. For Imagior, it contains the API key in the format: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY.

Bearer Token

A type of access token that is included in the Authorization header of an HTTP request to authenticate access to the Imagior API. The format is: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY.

Callback URL

A URL provided by the client application where the API sends responses or notifications. Often used in webhooks to receive data or notifications when certain events occur.


The currency used within Imagior to pay for API requests. Each API action, like generating an image, consumes a certain number of credits. Users can monitor their credits through the dashboard.


The central control panel for managing your Imagior account, including generating API keys, creating design templates, monitoring API usage, and managing your subscription.

Design Template

A pre-configured design layout that defines the elements and styles of images to be generated by the Imagior API. Templates can be customized with dynamic content through API requests.


An individual object or component within a design template, such as text, shapes, images, or logos. Elements can be modified dynamically through API requests.


A specific URL path that allows access to a particular function of the Imagior API, such as generating images or retrieving account details.

Endpoint Method

Specifies the type of operation to be performed on a given resource. Common methods include GET (to retrieve data), POST (to create or update data), PUT (to replace data), and DELETE (to remove data).

Error Codes

Codes returned by the API in response to a request that indicate the success or failure of the request. Common error codes include 403 Forbidden for insufficient credits and 404 Not Found for missing resources.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

The protocol used for transmitting data over the web. All requests to the Imagior API are made over HTTP.

HTTP Status Codes

Codes returned by the server in response to an API request, indicating the success or failure of the request. Examples include 200 OK, 403 Forbidden, 404 Not Found, and 500 Internal Server Error.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

A lightweight data-interchange format used to structure API requests and responses in a readable format. Imagior uses JSON for its API request bodies and responses.

JSON Schema

A format for defining the structure of JSON data. Used in API documentation to specify the expected format for request bodies and responses.

No-Code Integration

A method of integrating Imagior’s API with third-party tools (like Zapier) without writing code, allowing users to automate workflows and generate images based on predefined templates.


A technique used to split a large set of data into smaller chunks or “pages.” Useful for efficiently handling API responses that return a lot of data. Pagination parameters like limit and offset are often used to control the size and position of pages.

Rate Limit

The maximum number of API requests that can be made within a certain period. Rate limits vary depending on the user’s subscription plan.

Rate Limiting

A restriction on the number of API requests a user or client can make within a specified time period. Helps prevent abuse and ensures fair use of the API.

Template ID

A unique identifier assigned to each design template created within the Imagior dashboard. Required for making API requests that reference a specific template.

Template Elements

Individual components of a design template, such as text, images, shapes, or other visual objects, that can be dynamically modified via API requests.

Usage Monitoring

The process of tracking API usage, including the number of requests made, credits consumed, and remaining balance, accessible through the dashboard.


A security measure that involves explicitly allowing certain API keys, IP addresses, or domains to access specific API endpoints or resources.

Sandbox Environment

A testing environment provided by Imagior where users can safely test API requests without affecting live data or consuming real credits. Typically used for development and debugging purposes.

Access Token

A token that grants the client application access to specific resources on behalf of the user. The API key is one form of access token used for Imagior.

Environment Variables

Variables that are set outside the application, often used to store sensitive information like API keys, which can then be accessed securely by the application.

Client Library

A collection of pre-built code modules provided by Imagior to simplify the process of making API requests in different programming languages (e.g., JavaScript, Python).

Retry Policy

A set of rules that define how an application should handle temporary errors or failures in API requests, such as retrying after a certain amount of time.